CSE 15L Lab Reports

Lab 5

05 Jun 2022

Comparing Results

To find tests with different results I saved the results of my implementation and their implementation in two different txt files, then compared them using vimdiff.

To do this, I ran this bash script:

for file in test-files/*.md;
  echo $file
  java MarkdownParse $file

on the provided implementation and saved it to results.txt by typing bash script.sh > results.txt. Then, I ran the same thing on my own implementation and saved it to myResults.txt using bash script.sh > myResults.txt.

I used vimdiff myResults.txt results.txt to see the differences in the results of my implementation vs. their implementation.

Examples of Different Results

Example 1: 487.md

Test file 487.md gave different results for the implementations.


[link](/my uri)

Expected: []

My implementation: [/my uri]

Their implementation []

The VScode preview shows that there are no links and that their implementation is correct.

The problem is that if there are spaces within the parentheses, it should not be registered as a link, but my implementation does not check for the presence of spaces.


In the highlighted section, I can put an if-statement that checks whether there are spaces present in the text between the parentheses. If so, then I would not add it to the list of links.

Example 2: 578.md

Test file 578.md gave different results for the implementations.


My ![foo bar](/path/to/train.jpg  "title"   )

Expected: []

My implementation: [/path/to/train.jpg "title"]

Their implementation: []

The VScode preview shows that there are no links and that their implementation is correct.

The problem with this is that my implementation thought that an image, which has the same format as a link in markdown except with an ! in front, was a link. My implementation did not check for exclamation points.


In the highlighted section, I can put an if-statement that checks where there is an exclamation mark before the first parentheses. If so, then the program would not consider it a link.